HPNC:  CCA1 modules In person evening workshops - June and July 2024

Howick Pakuranga Netball Centre are excited to be offering a number of CCA1 modules in the evening during June and July, which is open to anyone who is wanting to up skill their coaching knowledge or to help to achieve their Community Coach level 1 Award.

Player-Centred Coaching - Tuesday 4th June 6.00pm to 7.30pm register here https://www.sporty.co.nz/viewform/291018

The purpose of this module is to enhance the understanding of what it means to be a player / athlete centred coach and to provide coaches with key tools to enable them to deliver meaningful player centred practices. This module is fundamental in the Netball New Zealand Coaching Framework as the player centred approach is the underlying philosophy for Netball Coaching in New Zealand.

Team Culture & Building Effective Relationships - Thursday 13th June 6.00pm to  8.00pm register here  https://www.sporty.co.nz/viewform/291020

Team Culture: The purpose of this module is to provide an opportunity for coaches to examine the concept of team culture and the importance of alignment within your team.

Building Effective Relationships: To provide coaches with some of the tools to build effective relationships with their players and wider network.

Shooting - Tuesday 18th June 6.00pm to 7.30pm register here  https://www.sporty.co.nz/viewform/291022

The purpose of this module is to provide coaches with the understanding of how to improve shooting techniques and movement skills and how to introduce the entry of the GA into the goal circle.

Attack - Thursday 27th June 6.00pm to 7.30pm register here  https://www.sporty.co.nz/viewform/291023

To introduce the technical and tactical skills of attacking. You will learn ways to coach players to combine ball & movement skills to outwit their opponents

Defence - Tuesday 2nd July 6.00pm to 7.30pm register here  https://www.sporty.co.nz/viewform/291024

To introduce the concept of attacking defence. You will learn ways to coach players to link one on one defence with intercepting

The cost is $20 per individual module or $35 for 2 combined modules - Team Culture and Building Effective Relationships. We ask that each coach who is wanting to attend completes an individual registration for each module.

Online Learning Modules: Online learning is a requirement to complete the Community Coach Award - for the above modules in the Netball NZ catalogue search for Community Coach Level 1 - Modules. The online module relating to the workshop should be completed before attending the in-person module as they assist with understanding the concepts of each module.

Netball New Zealand Online Learning Portal click here

If you have any questions at all, please feel free to contact Kylee at email coachdevelopment@hpnc.org.nz